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Heritage School Students Showcase Cultural Diversity through Fashion Competitions*


Heritage School Class 5 students captivated everyone with their extraordinary fashion talents and cross-cultural appreciation. The school hosted two exciting competitions, namely *"Défilé de Mode"* and *"Fashion Show based on Indian Attire,"* where the young participants demonstrated their knowledge of Urdu and French vocabulary words related to clothing, accessories, colors, and fabrics. These competitions served as a creative platform for the students to write and deliver oral presentations in Urdu and French, enriching their linguistic skills and cultural awareness.
The Competition, *"Défilé de Mode,"* took inspiration from the G20 nations, showcasing attire from different countries, bringing together a splendid ensemble of international styles and trends.
The Competition, *"Fashion Show based on Indian Attire,"*  embraced the vibrant colors, intricate designs, and traditional attire of various Indian states.
Both the competitions fostered teamwork, as the participants collaborated with their peers, sharing ideas and knowledge to create unforgettable fashion moments on the stage and gained confidence in expressing themselves in multiple languages.