Primary Wing Primary

Heritage School's Primary Wing Unites in Melody with Inter House Group Song Competition!

Lilting melodies echoed through the air as the Primary Wing of Heritage School came alive with the sound of music for an Inter House Group Song Competition. With the theme of 'Motivation and Inspiration,' teams from the four Houses, harmonized their voices, delivering moving lyrics that resonated with excitement and energy.
The event was judged by two renowned singers of J&K; Mr Sukhwinder Singh and Mr Amit Singh who captivated the audience with their renditions, after the competition, urging the children to join them.
The judges were presented mementos for the occasion, by the Principal Mr Akash Pradhan as tokens of appreciation.
Here are the results of the same :-
Ist Position-Dignity House
2nd Position-Tradition House
3rd Position-Culture House
Congratulations to the winners and all the participants for making the event a melodious success! 🇮🇳🎶🏆