Primary Wing Primary

PARENTS’ ORIENTATION PROGRAMME for the academic session 2024-25

Orientation Programmes for parents of new students for the academic session 2024-25 were convened in two sessions, at Heritage School, to facilitate smooth transition for students and parents of classes I-V, into the forthcoming academic year.

The events began with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp and chanting of shlokas, followed by the Headmistress Mrs Vandana Jasrotia graciously welcoming attendees, underscoring the pivotal role of parental involvement in fostering their children's educational journey. She elucidated pertinent changes in educational policy and emphasized the imperative of robust communication between parents and educators, in order to collaborate and create a positive environment essential for the comprehensive development of every child.

Mrs. Ranjana Jamwal , Incharge Classes I & II and Mrs. Hemneet Kour, Incharge Classes III to V , shared insights on school regulations, curriculum and assessment methods, emphasizing parental engagement.The School Counsellor, Ms. Karishma Pathania, provided valuable insights and guidance for adapting to the new educational environment.

The sessions concluded with gratitude expressed by Mr. Akash Pradhan, Principal, for parents' participation, reaffirming the school's dedication to holistic development of students.
Heritage School eagerly awaits students' return for another year of growth.